Friday, October 2, 2015

It seems to be working...

So I'm following the advice to the letter. 

I've enrolled in the accelerated copy writing course, and I can't get through this stuff fast enough. I want to skim through it the first time, then go through it in more in depth a second time. I'm finding it so interesting! It's like when someone tells you "hey...I've got a secret to tell you", but they make you wait a week to actually tell it. I've even emailed the modules to my phone, so that I can read it anywhere. 

That's how this course feels. They cover a ton of information even in the first two sections, and it seems like 'basic' stuff, but I'm eager to get through it as fast as I can, so that I can get to the 'juicy stuff'. 

There's one particular piece of advice on contacting potential clients that one of the copywriters gives in a podcast, and kind of as a 'lark', I tried it.

Hoooooly crap! It worked! 

I can't tell you what it is at the moment, but I will tell you that within hours of my doing what he advised, a 'potential' client contacted me to tell me that he "may have some work on a few projects" for me! 

Now...whether or not that actually turns into something is yet to be seen, but the fact that someone actually contacted me like that so quickly after my starting the course is amazing. 

Stay tuned...


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Do what I love? Okay...

Okay...I've thought about what I actually like, and they're things that I previously thought weren't things that I could actually create a living from, but I've figured out just how to do this;

I love cheese. Particularly of the gourmet variety. My best friend is a flight attendant, and a couple of months ago, she was in the UK, and she brought back this incredible balsamic onion cheese. I know...sounds nutty, but my GOD it was delicious! So I decided to do something with that, and see how it works out. 

Today is October 1st, and here's what I've done so far; 

I've set up four blogs, each one is on the subject of something that I really do love, regardless of how random it seems (like the cheese). 

Then I scurried over to commission junction, and opened an account. I opened one account, and listed each blog/site inside it. I didn't want to open four separate accounts. That would get way too confusing for me in a hurry. 

My next step is to write, or find articles pertaining to the topic of each blog, and fill each blog with pertinent, entertaining information. I actually enjoy reading these articles, so it's not like I'll be filling the blogs with useless shit (I hate that). 

Once the blogs have a ton of great information, I'll be adding affiliate links wherever possible. 

Oh media. I'll be starting Twitter and Instagram accounts for each blog as well. I really don't have much interest in Facebook, as they require that I 'attach' each page to my personal account. In addition, I'm on a FB Break (have been for about a month now), and I'm not getting back on it just to accommodate this.

Stay tuned...
