Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Web is a Con...

Yeah man...and that's the truth of it. 

A HUGE amount of the information that you'll find online is a massive CON. There are so fucking many people who're out to simply get your hard earned cash for this or that program, or by telling you that something works, when it really doesn't, or that they are someone that they're totally NOT, or by 'giving' you a fuck-ton of email that you don't want in the first place, that it'll make your fucking head spin! I'm dumbfounded!

I'm trying to sort through what's actually 'worthy' of doing, and what's not. And if I can do it for free...I'm all in. 

I'm also 'flying by the seat of my pants' on some things. I think that's how I'm going to have to do this for the most part. 

I can't believe how hard it is to get shit done without money!  

You'll notice that I'm posting to this thing more than once a day. That's because I'm working at break-neck speed, and I want to start seeing some kind of results sooner rather than later. I want to make sure that I don't fall behind on this blog, because once I do, I probably won't document it...too much work, and my memory sucks. As I told you before, I'm not a patient person, and when it comes to making money, once I'm motivated by something that I actually want to do, it's ON (like Donkey Kong...LOL!)

For the record, I was going to add a newsletter signup to this blog, so that I could send you 'updates' once a week, but I've decided against it. It's just more work for me, and I decided instead to just add the blogger thingy that lets you sign up for 'updates' if you want the posts to come to your inbox as I post (HAH!! MORE shit mail! ;) 

So...if you wanna "follow" this stuff by having it dumped into your inbox, all you have to do is add your email address to the "follow by email" box in the upper right corner of the page. 

Stay tuned...


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