Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Two Things at Once

I'm an impatient person. I've never had a stick of patience, not one day in my whole life, and I think it's for that reason that I can't just do one thing, and wait to find out how it goes. 

That said, in addition to the "money making website/blog" that I built, I also am forging into the world of writing copy. I'm reading all kinds of stuff about whether or not I should 'niche' that endeavour, and I haven't decided whether or not to do that yet, but I've subscribed to something called AWAI (American Writers and Artists Inc.). They'd been sending me emails via their newsletter, and it was quite interesting. Some of those emails (honestly, most of them) were sales pitches disguised as 'pertinent information', and even though I knew full well that I was being 'baited', I chewed on that line like a hungry bass. 

The emails were full of testimonials from people just like me who were either tired of their previous jobs and decided to take the leap into writing, took their course and "whammo"...they're successful, and being in my position, I wanted IN! But the course is something crazy like $200, and honestly speaking, if I had the money, I probably would have clicked that fucking "Buy" button that comes at the bottom of every email. But I just didn't have it.

Then, about four days ago, they sent me another email. This one said that this was my 'last chance' to grab at this deal, but instead of the $197 that I would have had to pay yesterday, they'd give me a 30 day "trial run" of the course for (get this) $17! (No...this isn't a pitch for that course.) 

So...I have a small check depositing to my bank account this coming Monday, so I figured that I'd do it then. Seventeen bucks I could part with...no biggie. But when I looked in my bank account, the fucking thing said that all I currently have in there is .65 (yea...that's 65 cents!) I had to come up with some kind of cash anyway, so I asked my best friend to spot me a hundred bucks, and I'll give it back to her when I get that check on Monday. She's an angel, I honestly have no clue what I'd do without her. 

So...she lent me the money, and besides grabbing some groceries, I also got that $200 course for the $17 for a month. In this next 30 days, I'm gonna work like I've never worked before at getting every morsel of information I can out of that course. The plan is to start making money long before my month is up, because there's "fine print" in that $17 offer; in 30 days, they're going to bill my credit card for the remaining $180 unless I cancel it before then. Didn't notice that when I was eagerly typing in my credit card number. Smart cookies.

I'll just have to make this shit work before then.

Stay tuned...


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